vrijdag 1 september 2017

Alnus rubra

Middelgrote boom waarvan soms volwassen exemplaren van meer dan m worden aangetroffen. Weinig voorkomende soort met een rechte, grijze stam . De bodemeisen zijn gering hoewel . It is hardy to zone (UK) 6. Plus nog veel meer soortbeschrijvingen van bomen.

Rubra means red– referring to the red dye made from its bark and the . A coastal tree, it grows no more than 1miles inlan from southern Alaska to California in . Show All Show Tabs red alder. Considered the most attractive alder. Prefers moist, fertile sites on river banks and in gullies.

Forms tall, open shelter belts. Flowering Period: Mar March.

There are no known threats that are or will adversely affect this species in the foreseeable future. Red Alder is native to Berkeley, Crescent City, Pt. To download an image please click on the thumbnail. Please click here for guidance on using the NNSS web gallery. Description: Slender pyramidal form.

Red buds reveal green catkins in spring. Green leaves are greyish beneath. AUTHORSHIP AND CITATION : Uchytil, Ronald J. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, . Range: Alaska to California.

The red alder is the most common hardwood in the . In moist forest areas Alnus rubra will rapidly cover a former burn or clearcut, temporarily preventing the growth of conifers but also improving soil fertility for future . Betulaceae Alnus rubra Bong. Leaf: blade thick, base rounded to tapere tip acute, margin tightly rolled under, adaxially gray- green . Maximum height 70ft (22m) Flourishes on loose infertile sites - it suckers freely which helps bind the soil .

An Alnus rubra in Golden Gate National Recreation Area is registered as a California Big Tree. It measures feet high, with a trunk circumference of 2inches . Fast growing and straight, the tree can reach as high as 120′, often much smaller. The roots fix nitrogen in the soil and improve the growth of other plants. The leaves are ovoid and the flowers are yellowish. Storage moisture content and temperature.

Synonym (s): Alnus oregona, Alnus oregona var. Habit: fast growing, reaching heights to feet (25m) with an open, broadly pyramidal or dome-shaped crown with branches slender and .

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